Monday, January 12, 2015

"HUMANS" Most Viral Virus In History of Earth.

OK we are not literally  a cell organism by ourselves but comparison to the Earth itself, but we are just like  a cell organism to it which has specific function to its body. In human anatomy every cell and organs has its own specific functions, we human had our own too for mother earth or mother nature. Yes you read that right I used the word "had" because we have not been performing our task that mother nature made us to do however we are doing just the opposite in massive scale of what mother nature evolved us from mere primates to intelligent human beings.

Settle down if you don't understand it in biological terms. Let me put it in sci-fi movie term, so most of you can understand. "The Matrix" everyone has seen this trilogy. If you haven't stop reading this and go rent, stream, pirate or what ever you can do just watch this one of the greatest trilogy of all time.

Now back to subject from the movie Matrix there is a character called Agent Smith (as shown in the picture below)  who was programmed by the Matrix to perform specific task it was provided with. For some time it did what it was programmed for then later it became more intelligent than it was primarily programmed for and began to infect (as a virus) other agent programs and normal civilian programs creating a chaos in the Matrix world bring it to brink of destruction. For which Neo (Super hero main character of the movie) a human and machines had to co-operated for re-establishing or stabilize and bring peace to the both virtual and real world. (This is what I understood for the movie but I could be slightly wrong about it.)
(Thought this was a picture from the movie but turns out its a digital art. Awesome work by the artist. )

What I am trying to say is that we Human are virus to Earth as the character Agent Smith is in the movie matrix and we have been infecting each and every part of the world. Non-bio degradable pollution, loss of rain forests in alarming rate, species going extinct day by day, sucking out of fossil fuel, burning of fossil fuel by different means which releases harmful toxic gases in atmosphere, global temperature going higher every year, ice caps melting, ocean level rising, nuclear bombs, mutation and the list could go on and on. Wow even I am surprised that we alone one species can do so much to harm the whole earth. 

And yes I am a part for these action too directly or indirectly. I use a petrol powered engine bike everyday, use hundreds of liters of water daily, use plastics that are non-degradable, use most of the technologies available in market, etc. Even now while I'm writing this blog I am harming it by using plastic made computer system.We have been born and cuffed in the society where using these facilities are inevitable and spreading these patterns of life style to the part of the world where it has not been reached is top most primary goal of already infected human.

Now most of you will be like "Ok we get that human being are like a bad virus for earth but why viral?" Let me explain it to you by portraying  the history of earth squeezed into 24 hour time line.
History of the Earth

From the above chart you can see that we humans just emerged 1 minute and 17 second before the strike of mid-night. That is a very tiny time scale of existence  of our race and we have caused tremendous amount of pollution and destruction which mother earth took 23 hours 58 minutes and 43 second (approx. 44.9 billions years in real time) to create. To compare our actions and its effect on earth by species that just came in existence just few second ago that causes devastating effect on its whole ecological cycle, what word more suit than viral.

Thus, making my point "Humans Are Most Viral Virus In History Of Earth". No I am not writing this as an awareness to stop global warming and pollution caused by human beings but just to write my perspective of what we "HUMAN BEINGS" are most likely to Mother Earth or Mother Nature. Well we could all try to live a life that is less harmful to earth because even a small efforts counts.

Writing all I wanted on this matter I am done for the day. Thank you if you have read this long blog and still reading last few line that has no sense reading it.

P.S - Grammar Nazis go crazy to point out my grammatical, spelling or whatever mistakes you can point out in this blog. I might learn few tips form you.


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